June 2023
After three years of SFES, the project has come to an end with the #SlowFashionFastChange conference. The event took place on Friday, 23rd of June, at the Costume Museum in Madrid, and it was also the culmination of the final workshop.
Throughout the week, students, staff and industry partners got together to visit different retailers and brands involved in the sustainable future of the fashion industry, experiencing their practices from the inside. Big thanks to Universidad Villanueva for organizing it and to all the companies that received us TENDAM, WOW Concept, Cortefiel, Loewe, Kavita Parmar, Borow, unfeigned, ECOALF, Sepiia & ES Fascinante.

SlowFashionFastChange started with our guest speaker Federico Sainz de Robles, CEO of Sepiia and continued with a round table discussing employability and the future of sustainability in the industry. The debate, moderated by Paloma Díaz-Soloaga, had the participation of Ignacio Sierra from TENDAM, Carol Blázquez García from ECOALF, Carmen Silla on behalf of Jeanologia and Mark Hogarth from Harris Tweed Authority. Lindsey Carey presented results and final outputs with the intervention of one student from each partner university, telling about a rewarding experience lived in the project. The performance by OTEYZA finalized the conference, a delightful fusion of fashion, dance and acting.
It remains to thank the implication of all the partner universities during these years Universidade da Madeira, Glasgow Caledonian University, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), EDHEC Business School and Universidad Villanueva; as well as the industry partners Harris Tweed Authority and TENDAM; and the students and staff that were involved in #SFES.
Sustainability must be the future in every industry. Working together towards that goal and offering the new generations tools to get the employability skills the industry demands will allow us to make a more significant impact.

May 2023
SFES team presented the Toolkit’s first version in the Transnational meeting celebrated in Universitat Politècnica de Valencia. It is an interactive Toolkit that
addresses the skills gap related to the understanding, implementation, and
communication of sustainability within a fashion business environment.
April 2023
SFES have celebrated Earth Day inviting the SFES community to join the main
events celebrated in the countries that form part of the project: Scotland, France,
Portugal and Spain. Each year on April 22, more than a billion people celebrate
Earth Day to protect the planet from things like pollution and deforestation. By taking part in activities like picking up litter and planting trees, we’re making our world a happier, healthier place to live.

April 2023
Marie Cécile Cervellon presented the outputs from SFES Project at the Monaco
Luxury Simposium organized by the International University of Monaco with the support of OMNES Education group. The Monaco Symposium on Luxury is a high-profile academic and business event, where the best and most renowned academic researchers and top executives of luxury brands share ideas and insights on major trends and challenges.

March 2023
SFES have celebrated the 22nd of March Water Day with the challenge of sharing on the Social Media of the project some audiovisual content that reflects the meaning of the water for the members of SFES team. Dysfunction throughout the water cycle is undermining progress on all major global issues, from health to hunger, gender equality to jobs, education to industry, disasters to peace. Billions of people and countless schools, businesses, healthcare centres, farms and factories are being held back because their human rights to water and sanitation have not yet been fulfilled.

February 2023
The SFES team gathers at EDHEC Business School in Nice to elaborate a White Paper identifying the key employability skills for Sustainable Fashion. This White Paper will be presented in Madrid on the 23rd of June at the project’s final conference. The document aims to help the Fashion industry identify some of the most important employability skills and come back together with the consumers to respect the value of the clothes.
October 2022
Our project investigators, Lindsey Carey and Esteban Galán Cubillo, have been honoured to present the SFES European project at the Changemakers and Pioneers showcase event held in Brussels this week. During their presentation, they shared the purposes of the project as well as the knowledge acquired during its development, thus inspiring others to go on with their own ideas and make them a reality.

October 2022
Three weeks ago se were collaborating in the Future of Fashion congress. We approached it with great enthusiasm to see how professionals, designers, brands and figures presented their ideas and projects in search of a sustainable future in fashion. A congress of these characteristics materializes everything for which SFES is working. We presented our project with a very good reception and response from the participants. We shared two very inspiring days that we hope are only the beginning.

September 2022
Students, professors, researchers & partners get together once again, this time in Madeira, Portugal to celebrate the second workshop organized by SFES European Project. Throughout the week, we have enjoyed the beautiful Madeiran tradition and incorporate to our outputs the knowledge acquired during the visits to different local sustainable companies.

July 2022
The project SFES (Sustainable Fashion and Employability Skills) has welcomed over 40 students and staff from the partner universities (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Edhec, Universidad Villanueva and Universidade de Madeira) and two industrial partners (Harris Tweed Hebrides and Tendam Retail Group) in Europe as part of the Sustainable Fashion Employability Skills (SFES) Erasmus + funded project workshop led by GCU. The participants have been with us for a week of immersive experiences with visits and workshops to the best representations of sustainable businesses in Scotland.
June 2022
Introducing the first chapter of our new podcast series: Sustainable Fashion Pills by SFES European Project. The first chapter is live now: ‘Fair Trade: working conditions in textile industries in Asia’, a conversation with Kavita Parmar. We cannot think of a better way of kicking off our new project than with Kavita: an activist, entrepreneur and creative director.

May 2022
The “Universitat Politècnica de València” (UPV) has formally joined the Social Forum of the Fashion Industry through a meeting held at Gandia Campus Polytechnic University of Valencia. The forum comprises a group of entities committed to upgrading the social, environmental and economic sustainability of Spanish fashion’s industrial and distribution sector. Retailers such as Inditex, TENDAM, MANGO or El Corte Inglés participate in this forum. The engagement took place in an event attended by students participating in the
European project SFES European Project on Sustainable Fashion led by professors Esteban Galán Cubillo and Nadia Alonso López.

April 2022
We have started a new TikTok challenge.

April 2022
This year, concerning the world #earthday, the Oceano Azul Foundation will organize more than 150 presential and virtual initiatives to celebrate the ocean in #portugal. These initiatives include expositions, conferences, cleaning the beaches, and special sessions in classrooms all around the country for seven days. People of all ages are equally welcome.
April 2022
Like every year, the 22nd of April is dedicated to the Earth and like every year jourdelaterre.org is mobilizing all over France. Their mantra is that by ensuring the health of the Earth, we ensure the mental and physical health of everyone. We cannot think of a better way of kicking off This year, they have created the eco-anxious movement which calls on everyone to communicate their vision of the earth and to become aware of how to improve their impact on the #environment.
January, 2022

Villanueva University has organized the second Transnational meeting in Madrid. The purpose of this work session has been designing the workshops in Scotland and in Portugal scheduled for 2022. The final location for these workshops will be the Hebrides Islands and Madeira.

Thursday 4th November 2021
Glasgow Caledonian University organized a very awaited zoom panel within the COP26 in partnership with our EU-funded SFES project, aiming to discuss reaching sustainable goals in the fashion industry through education and employability. A diverse panel of speakers, which included members of our team, addressed these issues and answered some questions thrown by the attendants. The speakers addressed the topic of the environmental issues that the fashion industry is facing and tackled it from their individual perspectives and their professional backgrounds.

Thursday 16th September 2021
We are very happy because we could make the first in-person meeting of all the partners in the Sustainable Fashion Employability Skills (SFES). The meeting was in the GCU London this September. We talked about the next steps in the project, such as the workshops in Scotland and Portugal in 2022 or the development of the different actions to carry out. Many thanks to all of you. We are looking forward to seeing you again! And remember we are looking for storytelling of brands that have embraced sustainability. We would appreciate it if you can share yours in our social media: Instagram or Twitter.

Wednesday 30th June 2021
SFES has celebrated an On-line Launch Meeting where all the investigators, industry partners and students have been able to meet for the first time. Although is not being easy to carry out face to face activities this exciting event finally has marked the takeoff of our project. After the meeting we met in a Club House chat!!